Week 5 - Blankets

Craig Thompson has created such an incredible piece of work in Blankets. The Slice of Life story tell the tale of his super religious upbringing and his acts of falling in love. His relationship with his little brother and dramatic religious life at the start spoke to me. I am the youngest of my brothers but i have also felt like the world's shittiest brother at times. Hell, when i was super little i would kick my brother in the balls or face whenever he would tickle me too much. Even recently i had a serious talk with my brother and i realized how much of a dick i have been after letting the stress of Ringling get to me. Yet i have overcome those hard and stressful moments because they where there and listened to me whenever i was feeling depressed and always encouraged me to try my hardest and to never lose faith in my self or God. My family isn't SUPER religious but we are Christians and my mother does have a lot of faith. To be 100% honest i don't tend to think much about God and how i have to behave good in order to have my reward of Heaven at the end of my passage in life. I believe that the principles Christianity is based on have merit and are good guidelines for "How to be a decent human being". Not all of them though. Some are very dated. But i have seen these beliefs change and evolve with time within the people and within the religion itself. As a kid i would attend a Catholic church where it was very Classical in the sense of people speaking gibberish and boring old men reading script from the Bible saying how we will all be punished by the end if we don't follow the script to a T. My mom realized that these messages where creepy and not very nice so we abandoned the church for years. After certain bad events transpired in my life, my family began attending a different church. One where people would stand up and sing, give hugs around, welcome the new families, and always say how much Jesus loves you. These are the messages that actually made me happy and i believe that Christianity should spread. If only this point of View would reach others during hardships like what Craig Thompson suffered as a boy.


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