Assessment: What Ever Happened to The Man of Tomorrow?

I am very amazed at this story. For the longest time, i have been told to read this story if i ever considered myself a Superman fan. I got to say, i am very content that i read it now. Alan Moore was one of the first who took one of the strongest superheroes ever and made him more human. He gave him obstacles he couldn't overcome and gave him problems he couldn't solve himself. Personally, i have always considered Lex Luthor or Brainiac to be the Superman's arch nemesis and i loved how the story played on that note yet introduced Mxyzptlk at the climax. It blew my mind considering all the crazy recent events in the Rebirth Comics when Mxyzptlk returned and attacked the Clark, Lois, and Jon again; threatening their existence and the continuity of the DC Universe as a whole. The ending was something i adored. That little wink at the end combined with Jon's super strength was really unexpected yet very welcome and embraced the "lived happily ever after" type of ending after so much tragedy.

Ive never really been able to connect with the "old classic" Superman because i always found him so cheesy and too much of a boy scout even though im aware that thats kind of his "thing". The Superman from this story was more inline with the type of hero im interested in reading. Alan Moore gave him real issues and put all of his loved ones at risk while not pulling any punches and killing them all if need be; causing him to feel sadness and regret and over all more human emotions. I connected with the characters and actually felt sad when they died. Lana and Jimmy's deaths were horrible and Krypto's made it even worse. I love that they made it a point to address the fact that Earth has other champions and that Supes would have friends that would try to intervene. It showed that even though he was facing one of the worst days of his life, he wasn't truly alone. I found that to be quite beautiful.

I feel this story would go well as an animated film in the way DC animated films are. I feel like that is the best way to transfer this story because it is kind of slightly dated in terms of the speech and the way the character talk. Of course, i would change the dialogue and make it seem more natural even though i kind of like how it is right now. I just feel that it could be better and would help push the negative emotions that the story is trying to convey. I would also like to explore more of Superman's sadness and regret. We get told in the story how much he was suffering but we dont really get to see it much. Personally i would love to somehow combine this story with the Superman Reborn arc from the Rebirth Comics right now. It would serve to further involve Mxyzptlk into his life and history and would serve to change the New 52 Superman that we still see in the animated universe into the new Reborn version so many people love.


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