Week 13- Reconsidering the Superhero

The URL on the Course Resource page didn't work for this one but I had already read it once before. Kingdom Come is by far one of the best comics I have ever read and lies easily in my top 3. The whole story revolves around the return of Superman after a long time being MIA and leaving the world to do their own thing as other Superheroes and Supervillains rise in a new age. The whole story and relationship everyone has with Superman is incredible and pushes some of the same buttons as the "What Ever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow" in which everyone likes to point out the value of Superman's life as the very first superhero. Batman, WonderWoman and Superman all together after so many years apart, still fighting the good fight, even against each other. The whole experience is elevated by the jaw dropping beauty of Alex Ross' work. The characters seem to be at their most iconic yet most realistic. Theres a certain atmosphere around the world similar to that of retro futurism that goes so well with the spandex suits and "classic" look of the characters. If I have ever seen a definitive Justice League, it has to be from this book. I only wish Hollywood could take the images, the costumes, the world and the story from this book and transfer it perfectly into the big screen. Because as much as I loved reading it, I think I would go ballistic if I saw these exact men and women from the book in the big screen.


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