Week 11- Comics As Contemporary Literature

Since I was little I would go to my local Scholastic Book Festival and always run into Bone by Jeff Smith. I never really go into it even when a buddy of mine told me how great it was. Even now however, I don't really get it? Maybe thats my fault as I never managed to finish it but the whole concept of a full articulated Bone with a giant nose (i know its just part of the bone) who just happens to have bones inside himself as well just doesn't fit right with me. Not that theres anything wrong with it and even though I typically accept weird stuff in comics this just out right confuses me. Later on he eventually meets up with a young girl and other humans while some other monsters hunt around in the world. I didn't manage to get too far into it as I found there was a lot of Dialogue and a lot to tell. I did find the art to be very charming though. The Main Character is very cute and always drawn with such expressive lines in a way that shows the character's personality not just say it. The coloring and designs for the monsters was fun and the overall feel that I get when reading is sort of nostalgic in a sense.


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