Week 8 - Stereotypes and The Ethics of Representation

I believe stereotypes to be 100% necessary for the sake of storytelling. Whether it is in comics, movies, or video games, stereotypes exist to help the wide audiences relate to certain characters. Relating to a character is central to one's experience when interacting with a medium. Stereotypes can be offensive or not, however there is no doubting the existence of stereotypical people. Whenever I think Texas, the first thing in my mind is Cowboys. I have a friend from Texas that spoke to me once about the commonness of people with Cowboy hats just walking around town or with their Horses. I have met plenty of smart asian people yet I have also met some who are not too bright. As for me, I have been made fun off slightly because I am a Puerto Rican that doesn't really know how to dance Salsa. That is me breaking off of a stereotype. However certain things like my love for Rum and alcohol, or my love for Puerto Rican cuisine, or even my love for beaches is something a typical Puerto Rican would also share and could be applied to any Puerto Rican character ever. Also the fact that we supposedly have our flag or some sort of Puerto Rican emblem with us 100% of the time is totally legit. My point is, stereotypes are real, and if I had the ability to help my audience connect with my story better by providing characters that fit certain traits that they identify with, it will help boost sales incredibly and will provide them with an enjoyable experience.


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