Week 12- Comics By Women

Despite owning over 50 paperback trades of comic books I never noticed that I didn't have a single one that had a female writer. For this week, I read some of Ms. Marvel. I have heard a lot of incredible things about this series and how Kamala Khan is one of the best new characters Marvel has to offer. To be honest, I was never a fan of the original Captain Marvel and then even less when Marvel began pushing their SJW Agenda. However despite the infamy Marvel has earned after they killed off so many of the Original Avengers and replaced them with new diverse characters, I have heard constant good things about 2 of them. Miles Morales as the new Spiderman and Kamala Khan as the new Ms. Marvel. I had given Miles a chance a while ago and I instantly fell in love with him not just because of his relatability but because he was also of Puerto Rican descent. Reading Ms. Marvel now, makes me see how important the character really is. The same way many black and latino kids can relate to Miles, many girls and especially Pakistani or Islamic people can relate to Kamala. 

From what I read, she was a cool and relatable character full of quirks and insecurities like anyone else with dreams of becoming a Hero; only to then find out that being a hero isn't really what she had thought it would be. I think this helps ground the story in the reality of the world and also helps create and enforce new ideas such as that one doesn't have to be beautiful, sexy, or "perfect" to be a hero. The art was fantastic and complimented the story well. My favorite aspect of it all were the tiny little happy faces used when a character was far away. Something about that just made it so enjoyable for me. 


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