Week 3 - The Comic Strip

As a kid, i would beg my Dad every so often to let me see the new comic strips in the local newspaper. He would often buy them and tear out the pages with the comics in them and give them to me so i could just take in the silly jokes. Being from Puerto Rico, our comics usually where from local cartoonists or followed character that where popular in latin america. The most popular one that comes to mind is Pepito. Im pretty sure every Puerto Rican knows who Pepito is. Following the an art style similar to that of Calvin and Hobbes, Pepito was a little boy who would constantly get in trouble with his teachers or other grown ups because of his silly pranks or perverted behavior. The character is typically divided into 2 types of humor. Theres the silly kid friendly version seen in newspapers where he just says funny/dumb things and then theres the more adult oriented version often seen in the web as comics or animated videos. The character design itself changes in each one of these interpretation yet the name and personality stays roughly the same. He's no Garfield or Nemo, but he definitely has had an impact in the Puerto Rican community.


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