Week 9 - A Wide World of Comics

For this class I read some of Valerian. Previously I had seen the new feature film by Luc Besson and even though the plot and character relationships where lacking, found the world building aspect and the overall feel and tone of the movie to be quite intriguing. I have always been a fan of sci-fi and from what I heard, Valerian was one of the very first sci-fi products that blew everyone away and later lead to the inspirations of things such as Star Wars and Star Trek.

The overall style of the art reads almost like Manga to me. Laureline's big eyes and the graphicness of the lines and shadows really come together to provide that feel for me at times yet at other moments it really read just like any other western comic. The character designs, alien designs, and even the clothing and armor designs where really cool and full of intricate details that makes everything pop and stand out.


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