The Arrival Review

The Arrival tells the story of a father who travels to a foreign land searching for work that will help him better support his family. At first, he arrives at this new world and everything is completely different in every way to what he is used to. He has trouble getting around because of the intricate design of the streets and buildings and doesn't speak the language. Yet as time passes, he begins to become accustomed and learns how to be in this "new world". It is then that his family finally arrives and he is once again reunited with his loved ones.

This tale was incredible. It really peels off certain vital elements of storytelling yet does not suffer in the slightest. The entire story is told by the images and the body language of the character(s). The art itself helps further drive the point of a distant new land as certain things, such as the people, remain recognizable yet the structure of the world and the look of the creatures that live in it are not as defined or rather are defined differently. The best part to me is how other worldly these designs for the buildings and creatures are. It helps push forward the feeling of wonder and uncertainty that one feels when getting accustomed to a new home. In my opinion, because of all these reasons, the story really is timeless and a great example of story telling.


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